Google PageRank: What is the Rating of Your Site

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but then?

Optimize! Check the position of your site in Google rank without thinking of optimization will not increase pagerank. You need to study, create, test, analyze and compare each result through SEO techniques as well as enhance learning with videos and courses..
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This calculator Pagerank is an extremely useful tool when it comes to SEO,after all, the optimization of websites is to put your website on Google doing it on the front page, the nearest first in the search results.
pagerank google

and Google Search

PageRank is a family of algorithms used by the search engine Google to elect the relevance of web pages. The system assigns a value 0-10 called PR every page, determining their importance according to their links.
Google PageRank: What is the Rating of Your Site?
Google PageRank is a method used to calculate the relevance of each of the pages included in the index of search results from Google, which are assigned values ​​0-10 for the worst and best pages respectively.

Increase PageRank is a desire for those who have website or blog, it is the PageRank that is defined which appear first in the results pages of Google searches.

     PageRank The name originates from the name of one of its creators Larry Page and also by the fact that it is related to rank pages (Page in English) are indexed in the search engine server.

How does the PageRank??
The PageRank system works as a "vote" where each link to your site is considered a vote, ie, the more pages pointing to your site, it will be more relevant in the eyes of search engines. But beware: do not go around creating websites and blos crooked just right for the purpose of connecting them all and thereby increase your PageRank, because this practice has been frowned upon and has the same effect are not successful.

Many blogs exhibit features called Link to Us (Link to us), which is made banner exchange among blogs with the intention of increasing the number of "votes", consecutively increased PageRank, but this practice has also not been frowned upon.

Of how often the PageRank is updated?
Google updates the PageRank from time to time and no one knows exactly how often this happens. What is known is that the media with the update occurs is 3-4 months.

How to calculate the PageRank of a page?
You can calculate the PageRank of any site or blog (including its competitors), accessing

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